The next pictures are from TCU's Homecoming!!

It's been a fun few weeks--more pictures will happen soon, I'm sure, since Halloween is approaching. See you guys soon--Hooray for USO!!!!
I love you~
Today, E.D. and I went to Westminster Abbey today, and got close and personal with Big Ben as well.
The church (...cathedral?) was beautiful! Poet's Corner was pretty much amazing. This past weekend I took it easy; I spent some time in Hyde Park, stumbled across Speaker's Corner, and saw two shows: Marguerite (which was okay) and Blood Brothers (good, in an 80s-tastic sort of way). Tomorrow we're taking a day trip to Bath, Wednesday we're seeing shows and I'm giving my oral presentation, Thursday is our last day of class, and then it's all over! Pretty crazy.
See you soon!!!
I've seen several more shows, including The Chalk Garden, which was pretty awesome. Today, however, I witnessed one of the most awesome theatre experiences ever imagined: The Lord of the Rings.
I know. I was a doubter. It sounds like the stuff of disaster (and in a way it is), but I haven't had that much fun in a play in a very, very long time. The story was cut incredibly, but it wasn't awkward and choppy (like Gone with the Wind). I can see why it didn't work commercially--the story and the acting aren't the most stellar to ever grace the theatre--but the effects, spectacle, and magic were absolutely breathtaking. Like Midsummer, it held some of the most beautiful moments I had ever seen onstage.
We're starting on our last week here--crazy to think about. I'm hopefully going to see more awesome theatre, and I still need to go tour St. Paul's and Westminster Abbey, but I think I'm going to spend some time revisiting the places I've enjoyed most, like Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park. It's been a pretty great ride, but I'm not going to lie, I'm ready to see a Taco Bell.
...although I hear I'm too late for Taco Johns. What is happening to my town?!? You leave the country for a month, and look what happens...
Break a leg, Company!!!!!!!
It's him! The Phantom of the Opera! He's here, inside is lair. Or there...inside your mind.
Omaha Beach.
American flag (and Dad) at Normandy.
American Cemetery at Normandy.
View from the Eiffel Tower. After traveling eight hours to Normandy (to spend 3 hours there), we decided we would be smart and end the day walking up 668 steps, plus an elevator ride, to get to the top of the ET. We were exhausted, but we refused to be lame, and we finally made it.
To see more of the Eiffel Tower, look at the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7ti0jp_0xs
The original Lady Liberty.
Le Louvre. Home of the Mona Lisa and Mary Magdalene.
Arc of Triumph.
Comedie Francais, where I saw a show!!! I couldn't understand a word, but I followed most of it...I think. It was a pretty sweet experience, even if I didn't get the whole story.
View from Notre Dame. To see more of Notre Dame, again, check the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ukGwBd89YY
Dad and I at Notre Dame...after climbing yet more stairs.
Statue of Pierre Corneille (a playwright) outside of the Pantheon. I feel that his new hat suits him--no, we didn't do it. The Pantheon was huge and beautiful; Victor Hugo, Emile Zola, Voltaire, and Mare Curie are all buried here, and we got to see their tombs.
Overall, it was pretty rockin'. We ate food (some good, some okay, all different--we finally caved and ate Hard Rock Cafe on the last day), walked eight million miles, and saw just about everything that is humanly possible to see in four days.
We met lots of nice French people; most of them could speak at least some English, but you should ask Dad about being bilingual.
More as the story develops--this weekend was definitely one to remember!!
Get ready. This rock...the round one on top of the base...is one billion years old. Literally. That's what the sign said. One billion. I touched it--not sure if that's allowed, but it's not like there's a gate around it. I touched something that is a billion years old. I don't even know what that means.
This morning we took a tour of the Royal Court Theatre (now one of my favorite places on Earth), K.L. and I bought tickets to le gay Paree, and we're going to see a show tonight at the Old Vic: Pygmalion.
More as the story develops.