I saw such things as Shakespeare's First Folio, a Gutenberg Bible, the Beowulf manuscript, and the second oldest copy of the letter to the Hebrews. It was incredible to see things that were just that old, but also to see the handwriting of people like Da Vinci, Darwin, and Newton.
That night, we experienced Gone with the Wind, the hot new musical.

The most I can say is that it was a valiant attempt. It was pretty, and they told the story, but the songs just got in the way. They should have left it like the movie; it would have functioned better as a play. You could see the effort and the intent, but sometimes it's just not enough.
This morning, the class went to the V&A museum; it's massive and pretty cool. I got separated from the group--I know, shocker, right? :) --so I decided to go to Leicester Square and see Avenue Q and hit up the London Eye.
The Eye was beautiful:

Tonight, I saw Avenue Q. I knew the premise and the score of the show, but I wasn't ready for such a genius concept. It was a great show, the actors were super talented, and I laughed all night. It was pretty sweet, and a terrific satire of our time.
Love and miss you all~
awh. how fun!!!!!! :) can't wait till I get a video note! :)
ok. done.
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