Our bathroom:

And our whale, whom we have dubbed Humphrey the Humpback:
I know the video is super lame, but it must be heard to be believed. Seriously, it goes on for literally five minutes after you flush. Ridiculous.
The Tower is absolutely beautiful:
So much history happened there! Right outside is the Tower Bridge, often confused with London Bridge, which is actually further up the Thames (and no, it doesn't rhyme with James).
Later, we went to Tower Hill, where the execution of prisoners took place. There was an area for the memory of those who died by the axe, but there was also a massive monument to the sailers who died in WWII:
It wrapped around in a circle, and each of the black slabs is covered in names. It was pretty amazing.
Tomorrow, we're off to the British Library and to see Gone with the Wind...the musical.
More as the story develops.
Bunkmate! I see you're having so much fun! I will see you soon!
you went to the royal court already? how much did you love that space?!?!
i am saddened I wasn't there to save you... forgive me. i am a bad white knight.
i started a blog... it will probably dull you but if you ever have a spare second... which I'm sure you won't, you can see what I'm up too... which won't be as exciting as what you are doing.
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