Monday, June 2, 2008

Here at last.

11:30 am, London time.

Well, we didn't get lost; we didn't get mugged; and we didn't crash into the Atlantic, so I feel that the journey here was a success. As we began the decent, I knew I should have been excited about finally being in London and seeing our friends, but in all honesty, all I cared about was getting off of that stupid plane. :)

Once landed, everything went fairly smoothly--until I very nearly passed out in the customs line. I actually almost hit the frozen tundra, and still have no idea how H.D. got me into the chairs at the head of the line. So, I'm two nanoseconds into the London adventure, and I'm "that person" who has managed to cause mass chaos before leaving the airport. Oh now I owe H.D. my life.

We arrived at the flats--which are very nice and MASSIVE--where a couple of our friends were planning to see The Lion King at 3:00. It was an awesome show to see on the first day, and helpful that I had seen it before, since I was exhausted. The theatre was gorgeous, and we had pretty rockawesome seats, especially for being in the nosebleed section. I hit the sack around 10pm, after being awake for 31 hours straight.

Today we are taking a tour of West End and seeing Noel Coward's The Vortex at the Apollo.

First on the to-do list, however, is coffee.

1 comment:

A Slaught said...

Bunkmate! I read your blog. I'm glad you're alive. Wish me luck!